Test Score Program 2

A program that does the following:
The user will determine how many test scores to input into a program.
Create two arrays:
one for numerical test scores – the other for letter grade equivalents.
1. Fill up array with an input box
2. Send each test score over to your calculations class and return letter grade.
3. Store each letter grade in the letter grade array
4. Output the original test numerical score and its letter grade equivalent.
5. Output the letter grade array backwards
6. Output the average of the test scores
7. Output the highest and lowest grade

Car Rental

an applet for a local car rental agency that calculates rental charges. The agency charges $15 per day plus $0.12 per mile. Use text fields for the customer name, address, city, state, zip code, beginning odometer reading. ending odometer reading, and the number of days the car was used. Uses a texarea to display the miles driven,total charge and customer information.
also creates a summary of the total amount received for the day and the number of cars returned. You must show the average amount spent by the customers.

Fruit Sort

a program that does the following:
The user will decide how many names of fruit that they will input into an array. They may enter the fruit in any order. Also the user will enter names of vegetables into a similar array. Allows the user to enter the names using an input box.
each array is then sorted in alphabetical order using a selection sort.
The two arrays are then merged together. Output the sorted arrays prior to merging than output merged array.
After the arrays are merged, user can search for a particular fruit or vegetable. User can enter in a text box any name of lower case, upper case or mixed. Program then does a binary search to find if the requested name is there.

Interfaces, Abstract Classes, and Exception Handling (2019)

I worked with the concept of Interfaces, Abstract Classes,
and how to properly handle Java exceptions.
In the first part, given an interface QueueADT, I implemented it by using a
circular array and use it to solve a real life problem.
In the second part, given an abstract class Account,
I created a checking and savings accounts and used
them to simulate a bank with a variety of intricacies.

Doubly Linked Lists(2019)

implement a Doubly-Linked List.
Firts, I created a Doubly-Linked List,
and then see how to this data structure
to the problem of gene-splicing.
Throughout the assignment,
we will be verifying correctness through the use of JUnit tests.

Empircal Running Time, Sorting and Searching Algorithms(2019)

I implemented a binary search and Insertion sort, Merge Sort, and Quick sort.
Then I performed runtime experiments in each of the algorithms.

Binary Search Trees(2019)

I implemented a binary search Tree Abstract Data Type. Afterwards I compared the performance of the binary search tree to a binary search array.
For the last part, we were assigned to use the BST to implement a basic search engine. I built the binary search tree based on the input files provided. It then returns all related documents that contains a given query string.

Heaps, priority queue, and course scheduling(2019)

I implemented d-ary heaps to represent a priority queue.
Using the queue I developed a course scheduling system that used timer and amount of coins given by students.

Huffman Encoding and Compression(2019)

I implemented a classic lossless compression algorithm Huffman Encoding.

Graph Traversal Algorithm (2019)

Built a navigation system using Depth first search, Breadth first search, Dijkstra, and A*.

Minimum Spanning Tree(2019)

Also implemented a data structure Disjoint Set to help me implement Kruskal's algorithm and find a Minimum Spanning Tree for a given Graph.