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Hello I am Madeline Tjoa and this is my webpage. I am a ninth grader in
brea olinda high school. I like steak and I like to play league. We are currently learning c# through visual basics.
One of my goals this year is to get good grades.
you can click on the gifs on the top to go to my projects,
And home(which is where you are currently
Thanks for visiting!
Madeline's Webpage

Download Visual basics to view my projects here
1. Click on the link above.
2. Scroll down until you see Visual C# 2010 Express and click on it.
3. Select your download language and then press Install Now
4. Follow the steps and when you're done downloading C# go to Help and find register product.
5. Sign up for the program and then you can use it for more than 30 days.